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Human Resources

General Overview

We are based on being a family harmonizingly with life and social values. At our company, first of all our employees interiorise our company’s principles. We share our expriences at full capacity with our employees to improve their skills. We create the future with our employees at the light of our principles.

Life at ESPA

First of all at ESPA we improve the perfection and the abilities of our employees. Motivate them with providing them metarial and inner resources. Based on being human we avoid of discrimination and make the working enviroment continious.
And our first priority is teamwork with our employees who have “problem solving, telling their opinions transparently and attending” minds.

Hiring process and after

Applications are analyzing by management and invite the eligible candidates to the interview. At the interview we test the skills that we need and pass on to the decision process. If the candidates pass this processes we evaluate their performance levels and their ability to develop while achieving their goals.

General Application

For application please fill out the General Application Form.